
Installing and configuring Laravel Apiable into your Laravel application.

Install with the following command:

composer require open-southeners/laravel-apiable

Getting started

First publish the config file once installed like this:

php artisan vendor:publish --provider="OpenSoutheners\LaravelApiable\ServiceProvider"

Then edit the resource_type_map part including all your models like this:

 * Resource type model map.
 * @see
'resource_type_map' => [
  App\Models\Film::class => 'film',
  App\Models\Review::class => 'review',

If you see, this is same as Laravel's Relation::enforceMorphMap() but reversed.

Setup your models

For more information about how to customise this check out Responses section.

This is a bit of manual work, but you need to setup your models in order for them to be JSON:API serializable entities:

use Illuminate\Database\Eloquent\Model;
use OpenSoutheners\LaravelApiable\Contracts\JsonApiable;
use OpenSoutheners\LaravelApiable\Concerns\HasJsonApi;

class Film extends Model implements JsonApiable
    use HasJsonApi;

    // rest of your model

You need to add that implements JsonApiable to your class importing this class and the jsonApiableOptions method.

Basic transformation usage

And, finally, use as simple as importing the class OpenSoutheners\LaravelApiable\Http\Resources\JsonApiCollection for collections or OpenSoutheners\LaravelApiable\Http\Resources\JsonApiResource for resources.

use OpenSoutheners\LaravelApiable\Http\Resources\JsonApiCollection;
use App\Models\Film;

class FilmController extends Controller
     * Display a listing of the resource.
     * @return \OpenSoutheners\LaravelApiable\Http\Resources\JsonApiCollection<\App\Models\Film>
    public function index()
        return new JsonApiCollection(Film::all());

Error handling

When your application returns errors and your frontend only understand JSON:API, then these needs to be transform. So we've you cover, set them up by simply doing the following on your app/Exceptions/Handler.php

 * Register the exception handling callbacks for the application.
 * @return void
public function register()
    $this->renderable(function (Throwable $e, $request) {
        if ($request->is('api/*') && app()->bound('apiable')) {
            return apiable()->jsonApiRenderable($e, $request);

    // Rest of the register method...

Last updated