
Full documentation on how to use the ByteUnitConverter library on your PHP project.

All methods use numeric strings as arguments and returns numeric strings as the results. All this is because native PHP integers or floats doesn't support big numbers. That's why this library also requires BCMath extension.


This enum works as a type safety for conversions using ByteUnitConverter utility class, check its documentation to see its usage.


Same as ByteUnit, this is also an enum used for perform conversion between different data units (bytes or bits).

Check this Wikipedia article to understand what a byte is in terms of bytes and more.


This is another enum used to convert byte units between different metric systems.

Check this Wikipedia article to understand what a metric system means as of a general perspective.


This utility class is used to convert between:

  • Different byte units (KB to MB, TB to GB, etc...)

  • Different data units (kilobytes to kilobits, bytes to bits, etc...)

  • And different metric systems (kilobytes to kibibytes, tebibytes to gigabytes, etc...).


Create new instance from bytes:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new(1000)->toKB(); // '1 KB'


Get bytes from unit:

ByteUnitConverter::toBytesFromUnit('1', ByteUnit::KiB); // '1024'


Get new instance from value and unit:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::from(1, ByteUnit::MB)->toKB(); // '1000 KB'


Reused internally within the library but publicly available.

Format numbers using PHP's number_format built-in function but removing thousands separator and some other improvements:

ByteUnitConverter::numberFormat('1000.00', 0); // '1000'


Default to 2 as is same as the decimal positions from the output.

See asRound to remove decimals instead of setting this option to 0.

Customise precision for some conversion operations like divisions:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('500')->toKiB(); // '0.48 KiB'
(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('500')->setPrecision(3)->toKiB(); // '0.488 KiB'
(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('500')->setPrecision(6)->toKiB(); // '0.488281 KiB'


As for v3 this is now accepting integers and booleans as input argument. Defaults to at least 2 decimals if possible.

Round result to a integer with as less decimals as possible:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('229829')->toMB(); // '0.23 MB'

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('229829')->asRound()->toMB(); // '0.2 MB'

Disable any rounding on the result:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('229829')->asRound(false)->toMB(); // '0.2298 MB'

Round as much as possible until reach 3 decimals:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('229829')->asRound(3)->toMB(); // '0.23 MB'

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('2290829')->asRound(false)->toMB(); // '2.2908 MB'

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('2290829')->asRound(3)->toMB(); // '2.291 MB'

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('2290829')->asRound(2)->toMB(); // '2.29 MB'


Round result to a integer without decimals:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('500')->useUnitLabel()->toKiB(); // '0.5 kibibyte'
(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('2000')->useUnitLabel()->toKB(); // '2 kilobytes'


Convert bytes to their nearest unit on the specified metric system:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('10000239595')->nearestUnit(); // '10 GB'
(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('102239595')->nearestUnit(); // '102.23 MB'

// Can also specify a different metric system
(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('10000239595')->nearestUnit(MetricSystem::Binary); // '9.31 GiB'
(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('102239595')->nearestUnit(MetricSystem::Binary); // '97.50 MiB'


Get the resulting numeric value from the conversion:

ByteUnitConverter::new('500')->toKB()->getValue(); // '0.50'


Get the resulting byte unit as string from the conversion:

ByteUnitConverter::new('1000')->toKB()->getUnit(); // 'KB'
ByteUnitConverter::new('1000')->toKB()->useUnitLabel()->getUnit(); // 'kilobyte'
ByteUnitConverter::new('2000')->toKB()->useUnitLabel()->getUnit(); // 'kilobytes'


Convert bytes to byte unit:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('500')->to(ByteUnit::KB); // '0.5 KB'

// or use convenience method
(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('500')->toKB(); // '0.5 KB'

All byte units from all metric systems available in this library have their own conversion methods for convenience.


Perform conversions using bytes data unit:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('500')->usingBytes()->toKB(); // '0.50 KB'

This library already use bytes as a default data unit.


Perform conversions using bits data unit:

(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('500')
    ->toKB(); // '4 kilobits'


Serialise conversion result to string:

ByteUnitConverter::new('500')->__toString(); // '500 B'

// or just casting as we always use
(string) ByteUnitConverter::new('500'); // '500 B'


Serialise conversion result to multidimensional array:

ByteUnitConverter::new('1000')->toKB()->toArray(); // ['unit' => 'KB', 'unit_label' => 'kilobyte', 'value' => '1.00']


The ByteUnitConverter utility class can be also serialised/deserialised using PHP serialisation:

$serialised = serialize(ByteUnitConverter::new('1000')->toKB()); // 'O:50:"OpenSoutheners\ByteUnitConverter\ByteUnitConverter":3:{s:5:"bytes";s:4:"1000";s:9:"byte_unit";s:3:"1e3";s:9:"data_unit";s:1:"1";}'

unserialize($serialised); // ByteUnitConverter instance


Manipulation methods returns new instances of the ByteUnitConverter to remain immutable.

Add quantity of any byte unit to the current instance making a new one:

ByteUnitConverter::new('1000')->add('1', ByteUnit::KB)->toKB(); // '2 KB'


Remove quantity of any byte unit to the current instance making a new one:

ByteUnitConverter::new('2000')->subtract('1', ByteUnit::KB)->toKB(); // '1 KB

Last updated