Classes helpers

List of functions that works for PHP classes.


Gets the namespace from class or object.

$class = App\Http\Controllers\MyController::class;

// 'App\Http\Controllers'


Similarly than PHP's class_implements but finding a specific interface implemented on the object or class given.

class MyClass implements MyInterface {}

\OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Classes\class_implement(MyClass::class, MyInterface::class);
// true


Similarly than PHP's class_uses but finding a specific trait used on the object or class given.

class MyClass implements MyInterface {}

\OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Classes\class_use(MyClass::class, MyTrait::class);
// false


This is specially useful to get types using PHP generics types. Otherwise PHP's array callable or call_user_func_array should be used instead.

Call to the specified public method from class string or object with optional given arguments array.

class MyClass implements MyInterface
    public static function myStaticMethod(string $name)
        return "greetings {$name}!";

    public function myMethod(string $name)
        return "hello {$name}!";

\OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Classes\call(MyClass::class, 'myStaticMethod', ['user'], true);
// 'greetings user!'

\OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Classes\call(MyClass::class, 'myMethod', ['world']);
// 'hello world!'


Shortcut for `call` function used for call public static methods only.

class MyClass implements MyInterface
    public static function myStaticMethod(string $name)
        return "greetings {$name}!";

\OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Classes\call_static(MyClass::class, 'myStaticMethod', ['user']);
// 'greetings user!'


Gets class string from object or class. Similarly to PHP's get_class but this one handles whenever string is sent.

$class = App\Http\Controllers\MyController::class;
$classInstance = new $class;

// 'App\Http\Controllers\MyController'

// 'App\Http\Controllers\MyController'

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