Enums helpers

List of functions that works for PHP enums.


Check if object or class is a PHP enum.

enum MyEnum
    case First;

    case Second;

    case Third;

\OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Enums\is_enum(MyEnum::class); // true


Check if object or class is a backed PHP enum.

enum MyEnum
    case First;

    case Second;

    case Third;

\OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Enums\enum_is_backed(MyEnum::class); // false


Check if object or class is a PHP enum that has the specified case.

enum MyEnum
    case First;

    case Second;

    case Third;

\OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Enums\has_case(MyEnum::class, 'First'); // true


Get class string from enum object.

enum MyEnum
    case First;

    case Second;

    case Third;

\OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Enums\get_enum_class(MyEnum::First); // 'MyEnum'


Converts PHP enum object or class into an array. In case of a backed enum it will add its values.

enum MyEnum
    case First;

    case Second;

    case Third;

// ['First', 'Second', 'Third']


Gets array of values from PHP backed enum.

enum MyBackedEnum: string
    case First = 'one';

    case Second = 'two';

    case Third = 'three';

// ['one', 'two', 'three']


This is not a function but still serves as a utility. Make sure you only use this with backed enums.

This trait will add some functions to the PHP enums so they can be converted to arrays to be used in multiple contexts (like HTML selects, etc).


This is a PHP attribute to be used in those enum cases to be used along with GetsAttribute trait:

use OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Enums\Description;
use OpenSoutheners\ExtendedPhp\Enums\GetsAttributes;

enum MyBackedEnum: string
    use GetsAttributes;

    #[Description('First point')]
    case First = 'one';
    #[Description('Second point')]
    case Second = 'two';
    #[Description('Third point')]
    case Third = 'three';

More details of their usage below.


The only public method available on this trait which will get all described cases of your enum.

Now imagine the case having the enum shown before:

// ['one' => 'First point', 'two' => 'Second point', 'three' => 'Third point']

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